Cyber Criminals

Cyber Criminals

There was one time in New Orleans, in 1988 when my husband and I were trekking across the street at dusk on the seedier end of town, when two hoodlums approached. “Uh oh,” Mark said.

Love Is

Love Is

Love Is Love is all there is.  John Lennon knew it and sang it to the world. On Valentine’s Day, doesn’t everyone wake up in meditation of love and life? A friend of ours who is no longer on this planet, Robert Powell, was the author of many spiritual...
Your Comfort Zone

Your Comfort Zone

Mrs. B went to go see her doctor who prescribed a sitz bath. For those who do not know what a sitz bath is, it is just that – a bath in which you “sit.” It can be shallow or a bit more full, and it can contain epsom salts or herbs. The point is, this doctor prescribed a bath to an 89-year-old woman.

Combining Business and Pleasure

Combining Business and Pleasure

It was 1987 when Mark and I decided to start aggressively combining business and pleasure. We were involved in video production and had just discovered the sport of mountain biking. We racked our brains on ways we could combine the two. Voila! How about producing some instructional mountain bike videos?