Do You Need A Dog Dentist?

Do You Need A Dog Dentist?

A dog dentist is not normally the first person we think about when creating our “To Do” lists.  But do you need a dog dentist?  After shooting a couple of interviews with Dr. Brook Niemiec, DVM, veterinarian, dog dentist, cat whisperer and authority on the dental care of domestic pets, the short answer is yes.  Yes, if you are the proud owner of a beloved feline or canine, then you must be aware of their dental health.

Taylor Guitars Story

Taylor Guitars Story

Many years ago, our video production crew videotaped an interview with Bob Taylor and Kurt Listug. They are the creators and proprietors of Taylor Guitars.  And their sprawling warehouse is located in a suburb of San Diego called El Cajon.

EurekAlert! Science News

EurekAlert! Science News

A few years ago, we produced a web video for AAAS (The American Association for the Advancement of Science) about their service.  They call it EurekAlert Science News.  And it is accessible to researchers, scientists and reporters.  This includes embargoed news.

Landfill Operations Video

Landfill Operations Video

Landfill Operations Video Before producing an award-winning landfill operations video about two local landfills, I thought the town dump was a big stinking pile of garbage far from human view. When Allied Waste Services (Now Republic) called on us to create a video...
Video Interviews Are Fun

Video Interviews Are Fun

Many companies take advantage of conventions and seminars where large groups of employees, sales representatives, or committee members gather. Consequently, a producer can collect video testimonials or interviews all under one roof.  So this can translate into great monetary savings. Imagine how expensive it would be to send a crew out to the location of each person.  But when everyone is in the same place at the same time, one crew will do!